Midwife, Thana
Health Complex, Tejgaon, Dhaka (Attachment: Directorate General of Nursing and
Midwifery, Mohakhali, Dhaka)
2018 I have been a government employed midwife.
I was in the first batch of midwife graduates, having completed my
Diploma in Midwifery from Dhaka Nursing College. I am motivated by a passion
for our work, a sense of dedication to our clients, a drive to improve the working environment, and the curiosity and
commitment to keep learning throughout our careers. We innovate, pioneer
solutions and contribute to making health care available, accessible and
affordable for all. I feel the midwifes of our country are like a family and we
will serve our nation together. BMS is a
platform to unite us and if I hold a post and am elected it will make me more
responsible. We have lot of work to do, to build up a positive image for our
profession in society. Because of this, I would like to serve our society as a
My commitment to
you if you vote for me is: I want to increase the number of BMS members and
unite us, arrange more trainings for BMS members, involve midwives at all levels of health systems and
across diverse contexts delivering quality care, leading teams, conducting
research, educating the next generation of midwives and opportunity for higher
education, strengthening the workforce through training or by empowering
management, and influencing policy.